Saturday, June 8, 2013

Event Planning is No More a Tedious Job - Just Sit Back and Relax

Every Year New York draws thousands of people from all over the world. It is among the most popular and important tourist destinations in the worlds. Being the world's center for trade and commerce, it is always filled with businessmen and other professionals. The New York City's glamour and sophistication makes it a big attraction for tourists. The New York City offers so much to the people. It has an electrifying night life, rich culture & heritage and some world famous restaurants.

New York is one of the most happening places in the world with social events, marriage functions and corporate events being organized almost daily in the New York City. So popular are these events that one can find an event planner any where in the New York City. Organizing an event requires detailed planning of every aspect associated with it.

Leniency on any aspect may result in a disastrous event. The biggest constraint associated with an event is the budget. Hence it is very important to plan the event efficiently to ensure that the event is organized within the budgets and is a success.

A lot of tension and frustration is associated with organizing on an event. Therefore event planners are the best people to go to in order to plan the event for you. The New York event planners offer the services of some of the world renowned experts in event planning and management. They take care of all the aspects including the site selecting, publicity, catering and seating. They have settings with the right people and hence get the work done at a much cheaper rate and without any disturbances. The right publicity of the event is very important to ensure that it leaves a mark on the social calendar of the city.

There are many event planners in the New York City. A person can easily find an event planner that would suite his budget. But these event planning organizations are not free and come with a fee. Hence be sure to choose the firm that you would be able to afford. Some of the most popular event planners in the New York City include: EMRG Media NYC, Bowlmor lanes, Steffan group, Catering, Maven Events and Crème de la Crème events.

Ensure a Great Experience by Hiring a Professional Event Planning Company

Event planning requires lots of concentration on each and every aspect related to it. Event can be anything whether it is a small business party, big corporate event, celebration event or any other event. There are many aspects that need to be considered during event planning. An event requires proper planning and management otherwise it would fall flat on its face.

New York is the foremost centre for commerce and trade and highly popular tourist destination. It attracts thousands of businessmen, professionals, business executives and tourists throughout the year. New York offers lots of luxurious as well as economic hotels and restaurants to organize an event. It is considered as the most stylish and vibrant city for hosting social events, corporate events, wedding parties, fashion show, product launches, etc. Every year, lots of events held in New York therefore, an individual can easily find lots of event planners in NYC.

Event planners are the perfect solution for hosting any event. There are certain features of event planners such as:

o Reduce your stress: A professional and experienced event planner can organize your event successfully. They have adequate staff and support to do all the necessary arrangements on the time. This will keep you stress free and you will feel relax.

o Resource Knowledge: A perfect event planners have good resource knowledge from big to small. They have better knowledge of quality as well as price of everything related to event planning from cake to marquee. It saves your money and precious time.

o Ideas: An experienced event planner is always come up with new and unique ideas that you never thought of. Ideas can be related to anything be it related to organizing corporate event, theme parties, dresses or decoration. Their imaginative ideas make your event a rocking hit.

o Scheduling expertise: A professional event planner know that how much time does a florist, caterer, pastry chef and a decorator need to get ready your event. They are familiar with the other factors that can affect your event. They can make all the arrangement to overcome these factors.

You will find lots of event planning companies in New York that offer services to host your event properly in order to make your special event memorable. It is advisable that you should also supervise each and every arrangement related to your event so that you can suggest your ideas also.

If you hire a professional and experienced event planner it means that you give a straight way to your tension, problems and frustrations. Always remember that you should always hire an event planning company who make all the arrangements according to your budget.

So, when you are going to host any event or party, don't forget to consult with a professional event planner to make your event memorable and to reduce your stress.

Four Reasons Why Small Business Fail To Plan and Why They Need To Think Again

It is so widely acknowledged that a robust business plan is one of the key ingredients in small business success, it seems remarkable that anyone serious about their business could considerable it optional. For example, Business Link say, "It is essential to have a realistic, working business plan when you're starting up a business". A recent survey showed that small businesses were twice as likely to be successful with a written business plan as compared with those without one. The Times in their annual round up of 100 up and coming UK businesses suggest that "poor business planning" is a key reason for failure. Indeed, it's almost impossible to find an authority that would advocate the opposite idea, a clear signal that this idea is accepted wisdom. Despite this, a recent survey shows that two thirds of small business owners run their businesses on gut instinct alone.

I had a very interesting discussion about this a couple of days ago with a good friend of mine who has run several successful small businesses in which he posited the idea of a "planning gene". He felt that the only possible explanation for the lack of proper planning in small business was genetic.

According to his theory, the majority of people are born without the "planning gene" and this explains why so many people don't have any written business plan, despite the overwhelming evidence of a high correlation between a robust and vigorously implemented business plan and business success. The majority of us are simply not biologically and genetically wired to plan.

This is certainly one explanation, although I have to say I have a few reservations as to the validity of his theory. I talk with small business owners about planning every day. I'm part of a small business myself. I've owned several small businesses over the last ten years each with varying degrees of success. In all those conversations and all that experience, this was the first (semi) serious discussion I'd had about the planning gene.

If I was to aggregate the results of the conversations I have had with actual and prospective customers on this topic, four distinctive strands emerge explaining why small business owners fail to plan. Whilst I have heard a few other explanations for the lack of effective small business planning, I am treating these as outliers and focusing on the most significant.

I'm Too Busy To Plan - More often than not, the small business owners we talk to tell us that proper planning is a luxury that only big business can afford. For them, business planning, if done at all, was a one-time event that produced a document for a bank manager or investor which is now gathering dust in the furthest recesses of some rarely opened filing cabinet. There just aren't enough hours in the day and if forced to choose, they would do the real, physical work and leave the mental work undone, which seems to be the poor relation at best, if it is even dignified with the status of work at all.

Traditional Planning Doesn't Work - The "I'm too busy to plan" excuse is often supplemented with this one. I've heard the stories of the most legendary construction overrun of all time, The Sydney Opera House, originally estimated to be completed in 1963 for $7 million, and finally completed in 1973 for $102 million, more times than I can remember. Sometimes, this idea is backed up with some actual research, such as the fascinating study by several eminent psychologists of what has been called the "planning fallacy". It seems that some small business owners genuinely believe that mental work and planning is a bit of a con with no traction on physical reality.

My Business Is Doing Fine Without Detailed Planning - A minority of small business owners we speak to are in the privileged position of being able to say they've done pretty well without a plan. Why should they invest time and resources into something they don't appear to have missed?

Planning Is Futile In A Chaotic World - Every once in a while, we hear how deluded we are to believe that the world can be shaped by our hopes and actions. This philosophical objection to planning is perhaps my favourite. It takes ammunition from a serious debate about the fundamental nature of the universe and uses it to defend what almost always is either uncertainty about how to plan effectively or simple pessimism. This is different from the idea that planning doesn't work as these business owners have never even tried to form a coherent plan, but have just decided to do the best they can and hope that they get lucky as they are knocked hither and thither like a steel ball in the pinball machine of life.

As with all of the most dangerous excuses, there is a kernel of truth in each of these ideas and I sympathise with those who have allowed themselves to be seduced into either abandoning or failing to adopt the habit of business planning. Most small business owners feel the same dread in relation to business planning as they do to visits to the dentist, so it's unsurprising that so many simply don't bother. However, by turning their backs completely on planning, they are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Taking each idea outlined above in turn, I'll attempt to show why business planning is critical, not just despite that reason but precisely because of that reason.

I'm Too Busy Not To Plan - Time is the scarcest resource we have and it is natural that we would want to spend it doing those things that we believe will have the greatest impact. Of course, we want to spend most of our time producing, but we should also invest at least some time into developing our productive capacity. As Stephen Covey pointed out in his seminal work, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", we should never be too busy sawing to sharpen a blunted saw. Planning is one of the highest leverage activities we can engage in, as when done effectively it enhances the productive capacity of small businesses, enabling them to do more with less. Nothing could be a bigger waste of precious time than to find out too late that we have been using blunt tools in pursuit of our business goals.

If we as small business owners weren't so busy and time wasn't so scarce, then we wouldn't have to make choices about what we did with our time and resources. We could simply pursue every opportunity which presented itself. However, for the busy entrepreneur, the decision to do one thing always has the opportunity cost of not being able to do something else. How can we be certain that our business is going where we want it to go without pausing regularly, scanning the horizon and making sure not only that we are on track but also making sure that we still want to get to where we are heading? I believe more time is wasted in the single-minded pursuit of opportunities that are not right than is wasted by over thinking the opportunity of a lifetime.

In short, small business owners are extremely busy and their time is precious. So much so that to waste it doing the wrong things with the wrong tools would be tragic. Small business owners that cannot afford the luxury of making expensive mistakes simply must regularly sharpen the saw through continuous business planning.

Traditional Planning Doesn't Work, So We Need a New Approach That Does - There are some fairly large question marks over the effectiveness of traditional business planning techniques. In an age where business models are becoming obsolete in months rather than years, a business plan projecting five years into the future cannot be viewed as gospel. Nobody has a crystal ball and if they did, they probably wouldn't be writing business plans but using their remarkable predictive powers to some more profitable end.

Dwight D Eisenhower said "plans are useless, but planning is essential". Whilst producing a document called a business plan is far from useless, the real value lies in the process by which the plan is created in the first place. If this process can be kept alive in a business then the dangers associated with traditional planning can be minimised or avoided all together. In an environment of continuous business planning, small businesses can be flexible and adaptive to the inevitable changes and challenges they will face. Rather than quickly becoming obsolete, their plan will simply evolve with the changing circumstances.

Accepting that the plan is a living thing that will evolve necessitates a change of approach to business planning. An effective business plan is the response to the repeated asking of the questions what, why, how, who and how much. It is not a 20 - 30 page form to fill in for the benefit of a bank manager or some venture capitalist, who will probably never fully read it. A business plan should help you, not hinder you, in doing business. If traditional business planning doesn't work for you, it's time to embrace the new paradigm of continuous business planning.

My Business Could Do Even Better With Effective Planning - If you are one of the lucky few whose business has thrived despite an absence of traditional business planning, then I say a sincere well done. I hope that you can say the same thing in five years time.

Business life expectancy in Britain and across Europe and indeed the world are in rapid decline. A study done at the end of the eighties and then again as we marched into the new Millennium showed that life expectancy had more than halved for British businesses in those ten years, from an average of 9.7 years to 4.1 years. Just because a company once enjoyed market leadership does not mean that its future is assured. Many high street institutions have fallen victim to the recent recession. Five years ago it was inconceivable that UK retail institutions like Clinton Cards, Game, Borders, Barratts, T J Hughes, Habitat, Focus DIY, Oddbins, Ethel Austin, Principles, Allied Carpets, Woolworths, MFI and Zavvi/Virgin Megastore would all be either out of business or teetering on the brink of oblivion in 2012. Yet that is exactly what has transpired.

Any business from the smallest to the greatest is not impervious to the winds of change. A new competitor, a technological breakthrough, new laws or simply changes in fashion and consumer preference can all re-write the future of a company regardless of how bright that future once seemed. It is precisely because these risks exist that business planning is critical. To survive in business is extremely hard, but failing to effectively plan for the future or adapt to current realities surely makes it impossible and failure inevitable.

Of course, it is not necessarily the absence of plans that did for these companies but the quality of their plans and most especially the quality of their implementation. Even a poor plan vigorously executed is preferable to the finest planning and research left to rot in a drawer. Continuous business planning is effective business planning because it emphasizes implementation and regular reviews of real results as part of what should be a continual process of improving company performance rather than simply attempting to predict the future and wringing our hands when our prophecy fails to come true. We believe, like Peter Drucker, that the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Planning Is Essential In A Chaotic World - We sometimes feel small and insignificant as we try against all odds to translate our dreams into business reality. It's easy to feel all at sea when we consider some of the challenges we face. However, whilst it is true that we cannot control the direction of the wind, we can adjust our sails and change the direction of the rudder. Difficult and challenging circumstances may come in our lives, but we can control the outcome of these circumstances by choosing which path to take.

The truth is that we are fundamentally achievement orientated as human beings. When this is taken away, we lose much of the energy and motivation that propels us forward. There have been numerous studies carried out on life expectancy rates after retirement, which show that when clearly defined goals and daily action moving in the direction of those goals are removed from our lives, the result is literally fatal. The individuals studied who failed to replace their career goals with a new focus for their retirement simply shriveled up and died. The implications for small business owners are clear. Those business owners with clear goals who take action daily that propels them in the direction of their goals are far more likely to thrive and survive than those who take any old goal that comes along or move from day to day with no defined objective other than survival.

It seems to me that precisely because life is so chaotic and challenging that effective planning is essential. Without continuous business planning, our businesses and the small business owners that work in them may find that bit by bit they are atrophying and on their way to becoming another business failure statistic.

There undoubtedly exists an antipathy for business planning felt by many small business owners. Clearly, this cannot be fully explained by the lack of a "planning gene", but it equally cannot be fully justified by the reasons most commonly put forward by small business owners to not engage in the business planning process. These reasons must be critically re-evaluated and a commitment made to a continual and never ending process of improving the condition of their small businesses. Without such a commitment, the future for small businesses in the UK is uncertain.

Event Management Tip - Exhibition Handouts and Giveaways - Make Them Work For You

Event managers know that an important part of any event is to make sure that your guests remember you but just how memorable are trade show giveaways? Everyone who has either worked an exhibition stand or even attended a major trade show will know that many visitors are there just for a day out and to collect freebies. What sort of use is that for your budget - particularly with the current economic forecasts seeing advertising budgets being cut left and right?

When these visitors get back to the office with a sponsored plastic carrier bag full of pens, mouse mats, mugs and so on, what happens to them? They struggle to even give them away so what was the point of that? And do you think that they remember which stand was handing out free sweets?

So what is the best way to spend your marketing budget on handouts? One well used option is to make handouts and giveaways available only in return for the freebie collector's business card. That's really good thinking - if you want this person on your mailing list for the next few years so that you can continue to throw away good money.

The real trick is to use an interactive product which will break the ice in order to keep a visitor on your stand long enough to strike up a conversation and to establish whether or not the visitor is a real sales prospect. A good example of such a product is the Jumpinjax which is a neat little pack which measures 160 x 80 x 6mm - easy enough to hold and hand out at exhibitions. The visitor will ask, "What is it?" so you just offer the invitation to open the pack to find out.

The Jumpinjax is a small promotional pack with a big surprise. Inside are four cardboard cubes which are powered by rubber bands and these cubes are coiled ready to spring out of the box as soon as someone slides out the tray from the sleeve. The product is a new variation on the more familiar Springbox pack except that these cubes come out one by one in a sort of rat-a-tat-tat fashion rather than all jumping out at once.

As soon as the sleeve is opened the cubes spring out and give the visitor a surprise that wasn't expected. This creates quite a bit of laughter and as the visitor bends down to pick up the cubes, which have by now been dropped on the floor, you have the opportunity to join in as the ice is already broken. Right from that moment you will know whether or not your visitor is a potential prospect and the promotional handout has done its job.

What's more, if the visitor wants to keep the Jumpinjax to take back to the office you can rest assured that it will be passed around the office, reloaded and tried time and time again on other colleagues. It will definitely not be forgotten.

Of course, there are other similar products on the market other than the Jumpinjax and the Springbox but the theory remains the same - if you're going to have a handout at the stand, then make sure that it is made to work for you. You will have spent thousands on the stand, accommodation and expenses so don't waste all that money and be sure that you make the most of your opportunity.

Outdoor Event Planning Guide For a Perfect Function

Running a successful outside event will often surpass anything that you could provide indoors. But how do you cope with the discomforts provided by the natural environment? As an event organizer you have a responsibility towards your guests for their comfort and enjoyment. Here we provide you with some useful tips that will ensure that this will be achieved and your event will be a success.

Having a beautiful hot and sunny day for you outdoor event will be a huge bonus. But make sure it is sun safe as well. Have some sachets of sun screen available to hand out to your guests and encourage them to use them. Too much sun can cause dehydration so make sure you have plenty of water and soft drinks that are easily accessible. A good way to do this is to set up water stations at convenient places around your event. Portable air conditioning units are available for hire and are very effective for reducing temperatures, some better than fans as their noise level is less.

If you are thinking of providing some branded products consider putting together a package of useful things for the day. This could include the sachets of sunscreen, branded water, umbrellas and baseball bats. Approach other companies and negotiate a reciprocal deal from them. You may find that the cost of these extras will be minimal.

Make sure you provide plenty of shade. This can double as cover for any wet weather you may experience. Choose outdoor shade canopies that have quick roll down sides. In the event of any grey clouds gathering you will be able to take cover quickly and effortlessly. If your guests will be walking over grass consider creating temporary pathways. Not only will this protect the grass underneath but if the weather turns foul your guest will be able to leave their boots at home.

Food and drink is the central highlights of most events. Ensure you choose a quality caterer whose has experience in outdoor catering events. Use their experience for useful tips on any dos and don'ts. Unfortunately one of the side effects of all this delicious food is you will find you attract unwanted guests in the form of insects. Make sure your caterer has a good selection of wire mesh covers to keep them off the food and serving plates. Another trick is to place sugared water in a few containers on the perimeter of your event. This will give the insects something to eat and keep them away from your food.

From a wedding to a work function or an outdoor barbeque your event will run smoothly be it rain or shine. The temporary structures on the market today are not only attractive but will provide comfort to your guest. Follow our top tips and your outdoor event will sure to be a success.

Fundraisers Through Corporate Events

Corporate situations are always somewhat complex for introducing a fundraising activity. As a corporate environment is normally professional, smart and thought-provoking fundraising event in a corporate setting needs a thorough expert. The reasons for a fundraising may be anything, but to satisfy these professionals for the fundraising project is a difficult task through corporate parties. For this, you have to bring in a lot of innovation, time perfection and excellent management skills according to the corporate environment.

The first thing you need to think is how much funds you wish to raise. You have to make a full-fledged planned strategy to carry out the process of fundraising at a corporate event. You have to keep many options open, so if one strategy fails, another strategy will be in place. The fact in a corporate environment that many fail to realize is that individuals are more interested in distribution of funds than an organization as a whole.

Thus, you have to actually take care of all the priorities of the corporate environment individually. The one who is raising funds also has to be somewhat choosy on how to implement the Corporate Events. The corporate world relies a lot on plastic money. Thus, you are advised to invite these professionals to donate funds in the form of sponsorships, volunteering and coupons. To raise funds in a business environment, you have to keep in mind that unless you have a factor or element in your fundraiser, which sounds profitable to them, they will not accept your fundraiser.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Event Planning - Major Methods Revealed

Have you ever been to or been involved in someone's big event? If so, you should know how important this can be to someone. It can be an experience that builds memories for a lifetime. Whatever type of event it may be, you can bet that tremendous work and planning have gone into it.

Event Planning can be a very rewarding, yet chaotic experience at the same time. This type of profession requires someone with the ability to multi-task as well as being able to adapt should any issues arise.

In event planning there are three major methods to ensure your success.

1. Visualization

There are countless professions that benefit from using methods of visualization. This is an essential part in any event planning process. Understanding and implementing this method can be the difference in a memorable event and one that you wish you could forget.

First thing you should do is completely clear your mind. Now start visualizing the big event. Try to imagine exactly what you would expect it to look like down to as many details as possible. During this process look for any issues that could possibly come up during any part of the event. When you foresee an issue, write it down. Once you see the entire event in your mind and how you would like things to go, read back over your notes and determine the best solutions to any problems you may anticipate. This is a very important step to insuring your event go as smoothly as possible.

2. Organization

Improper organization would be a recipe for disaster. Organizing your plans professionally will determine the whole outcome of the event.

You have to keep a detailed record of every aspect of your plan. Be able to locate things fast and easily. Don't rely on being able to remember where this is, or what you needed for that. In this hectic time your memory just may not be at it's best.

3. Control

Rarely do we have complete control over anything. Your business will not be any different, however there are always steps you can take to obtain as much control as possible over most situations.

A great way to do this would be to have back-up plans for larger aspects of your event. For example, say your planning a wedding and the minister becomes ill therefore not able to perform the service. The best way to handle this would be to ask the bride-to-be beforehand for a second minister she would prefer just in case. The list of this type situation is endless and can be implemented on most aspects of the process.

An event planning business could be the profession for you and a very successful one as long as you can follow these three major methods of visualization, organization, and control.

Significant Ways to Manage Elementary School Fundraising Donations

One of the primary reasons for holding elementary school fundraising event is to collect dues and donations for various future activities of the organization. The money accumulated from such fundraisers is used to buy computers and text books for children, sponsor school trips, and so on.

Manual handling of payments can really be a daunting task, especially for the elementary school children. It includes excessive administrative workload and is a time-consuming task. In such a situation, schools can start using the online payments management solution to streamline the procedure.

The web-based fund management system can be used by elementary, middle, or high school to bring in greater transparency in managing donations. The PCI-compliant online payment service can be used to authorize and process funds from diverse fields.

People who wish to donate using their credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express) are welcome to do so. Similarly, real-time processing of checks and Purchase Orders is possible using the highly scalable web-based payment management platform.

This online payment solution also accepts payment through the standard getaways, such as PayPal Payflow Pro, PayPal Express, CyberSource, and People can even use their own merchant account for giving dues and donations at the elementary school fundraising events.

This type of payment managing system also offers schools the provision of tracking, reporting, and controlling registration data, payment status, revenues, refunds, and credits. All this can be done 24X7. The Cloud-based payment organizing service also assists you with transaction reconciliation. Besides, it proactively monitors and prevents fraudulent transaction, if any. This payment management solution also allows easy processing and clearance of all refunds and chargeback requests to attendees, as and when required.

Apart from using the web-based payment management service, the elementary schools can also use the comprehensive online event management solution to enable instant online registration. The online registration platform can be accessed 24x7 from any part of the world. The registration pages can also be customized to bring in them the look and feel of your fundraising event or school website. You can also send emails, RSVPs, and invitations to your acquaintances for participating in your school fundraisers.

Thus, the online payment management solution is likely to help you enhance your donor relationships and empower them to donate funds more conveniently. Finally, the web-based event management solutions, coupled with the payment administrative system, promise to make your elementary school fundraising event a grand success.

Looking to Make Extra Money at Home?

Are you looking for a way to make extra money at home? Fortunately for you, the opportunities to do so are endless!

First, you should consider how much time you have to work at a job from home. If you already have a full-time job and a family, your time may be limited, so you'll want to consider a job that you can do just a few hours a week. If you have lots of free time to offer a job from home, then you can broaden your scope a little more. Additionally, working from home requires discipline, and self motivation, and you have to be willing to work hard to keep the business going.

If you enjoy working on the computer there are plenty of jobs that you can do online to make extra money at home. Medical transcription, writing and editing articles, and website design and maintenance are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to computer related jobs.

If you like interacting with others, in home childcare, music lessons, or tutoring might be a good fit for you. All of these provide you the flexibility of working from home, allows you to be your own boss, and work on your own, but still gives you face to face time with others on a daily basis.

If you have a creative side, consider starting a photography or event planning business to make extra money at home. Both of these would allow you to be as busy as you want to be - as the boss, you would be able to set the days and hours you wanted to work, and stick to them!

Finally, one of the most popular ways to make extra money at home is through direct sales companies. Many a stay at home mother has been able to gain a rewarding career through direct sales and the home party plan setup. By working a few hours each week through home shows and catalog sales, you can earn extra money, and build a team of workers underneath you that will also allow you to earn even more money from their sales. While this is not for everyone, there are so many types of direct sales companies out there that there is bound to be one that interests you.

Whatever path you decide, be sure to keep accurate records of the money that you make and any business expenses that you incur through your job. You will need this information to be well prepared when tax time rolls around each year. Be willing to take a risk and get out of your comfort zone and you will be sure to succeed at a job that helps you to make extra money at home.

The Role of an Event Manager

The role of an event manager is far from an easy one; the job involves understanding the brand and then being able to identify the targeted audience. Then having to devise the actual event concept by planning and coordinating all the technical aspects before actually executing and managing the proposed event.

With recent growth in the event industry of event management these professionals around the world need to be more flexible than ever before. Large international events like the Asian Games have huge impacts on communities and even countries, so event managers and their companies need to be very diverse in their planning and executing of events if they are to have successful results for their clients.

The industry now includes all ranges of events from international festivals like the Olympics down to business brunch meetings of just a few business people. All industries like charity and social groups hold events of various sizes to be able to market themselves, build relationships for their businesses and to raise money or even celebrate occasions.

The role is truly a significant one, to be able to do strategic marketing and have the tools necessary for successful communications at all levels for companies of all sizes. Event managers conduct product launches, create promotional events, meetings and press conferences while keeping everyone involved throughout the whole planning stages for the clients.

They sometimes have to use new types of media to be able to reach thousands or even millions of people in the hopes of inviting the targeted market to their events. Services of an even manager or company varies as do the events such as fashion shows, commercial events, weddings, marketing programs, concerts and ceremonies they plan for and produce.

Clients who hire a manager and their company expect them to handle all scopes of services that are required to host a given event. This may include all technical, logistical and creative elements depending on the client's needs and budget.

Basically the events person is the main person to organize the entire event including their teams that are working behind the scenes to run a successful event. Event managers also may be tasked to do more than planning an event, they may also be involved in brand building, communication strategizing and marketing.

The event manager should be an expert in the field of logistics and have creative problem solving skills and technical knowhow in audio and visual production. The role of an event manager is also one of budgeting and negotiating for their clients and it is definitely a profession that requires multi-dimensional talents and foresight.

Event management has become a rapidly growing business in a fast and evolving industry with mega shows regularly reaching into the millions of dollars. Although there has been no formal research done to assess the actual growth rate of this industry no one will argue it is not moving rapidly forward.

Build Better Team Spirit Through Corporate Outings

Stress comes from a lot of factors, especially from responsibilities and relationships. This is never more apparent than at work. Many businesses have taxing environments that may have adverse consequences to the quality of work. If persons are subjected to taxing instances, the whole team suffers. Fortunately there are means to prevent, lessen and illuminate up difficult instances. Company outings are one of the most beneficial methods of stimulating the team morale of the workers. The success fullness of a business relies in the corresponding progress of staff as a whole acting in the direction of a single target. The failure to do this might result in a damaging break up of the operating team. This may cause to reduced production and an even more stressful setting.

Strain is associated with many workplace issues like defective civic talents and improper communication. The outcome might be steep and may have an effect on the individual health of every staff. Organizational outings assist with maintenance of worker welfare by offering an outlet for pressure. Moreover through making pleasing, organized diversion, you may help in keeping your employees in good shape psychologically and physically and intensify the group spirit of your team. Corporations and workplaces look for competent people to function collectively to improve profit and revenues for the corporation. The results developed by staff and persons are the lifeline of the company. Hence, it can be mentioned that it is in the top concern of the corporation to ease likely well being problems to the staff so as to raise staff output.

Corporate days out are effective techniques to boost the socializing capability of the individuals. If individuals are required to enter into effective conversation such as what occurs during corporate days out, there will be a lot of positive results of the meeting on the total working setting.

Company leadership will advance their operating environment not just using dull fellowship building activities. A well executed business activity promises the same effects less the disinterest and boredom. Planned gatherings help staff and management discover the pleasure of functioning collectively as a united group. The participants in these meetings usually seek for the most recent ways of enhancing their job philosophies to ultimately build a better work condition and even enhanced personal fitness.

Company outings, managed to an effective company planning business, are one of the sure-fire ways of successful group building. More and more corporations are looking for in the company events business to have the best deal for their money. An excellent corporation gains credibility in their industry due to the counsel that it garners from the candidates of these beautifully-organized events. The traditional method of monotonous activities and assessments has created the path for more interesting, energetic techniques to be more creative and dare staff to act innovatively as one group. These corporate events provide education and self awareness via entertaining methods. Company outings are actually excellent means to team build.

Planning an Anti-Violence Assembly at a Middle School

So you've been tasked with having to put together an assembly at your middle school and you have no idea where to start. You are not alone because many Educators are in the same boat. In fact, recently with the increase on media exposure related to bullying in schools, many are running around frantic trying to figure out what steps to take to protect their students.

Here is a list of steps to take when planning a school assembly:

  • Figure out what issue has been apparent within the student body.

  • Be proactive as well and have assemblies that focus on anti-violence or school bullyingSet a date with the Principal and make sure she/he is on boardCreate a small committee to look for speakers who can connect with teens

  • Review the speaking demo of each youth speaker

  • Consider a bullying speaker who is immersed in the topic

  • Set a budget for a speaker, hire a good one

  • Get a contract in place with the speaker

  • Promote the event at the school

You might be asking yourself why you should hire a speaker. You hire from the outside because you want for that person to be a neutral person who can say the hard stuff that no one in the school is willing to say. Speakers know that they are saying the same thing that teachers say but they are more about connecting with teens first before relating a positive message.

The reason why you want to have a school assembly is so that the message can be presented to all students and faculty and so that everyone can be on the same page. The last thing you want is for one grade level to have valuable information and for the rest of the school to be ignorant of what they could have learned. So this may mean that a class gets cancelled so everyone can attend a school assembly but it will be worth their time and yours.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Conference Organiser - The Best Service Provider in Event Management

Companies and/or persons who are planning to seek the assistance of a Conference Organiser need to initially know their capabilities and the extent of responsibility they can carry out in organising a conference. The success of a conference is always evaluated on the publicity it generates and the reputation that it can bring in for that particular company, institute, organisation or persons who hold the event. In order to attain this success, the following is required:

  • Immense amounts of organising

  • Unlimited Resources

  • Experience in Event Management

  • And most importantly - Patience

All of these services are made available as one package - at a company that deals with Event Management or a Conference Organiser.

Given below are some areas of responsibility which are handled by these organisations or persons who handle these events:

- Program Planning, Design and Implementation
- Cost Analysis, Budgeting and Financial Management
- Interior D矇cor
- Registration of Delegates - online or on arrival
- Preparation of welcome packs with all the required literature
- Offering the right advice - suggestions for eco-friendly uses
- Publicity and promotion of conference if it is for an external target audience
- Record keeping of all details - bid presentations, accounts, supplier details etc of the entire conference
- Selection of the most suitable venue and ideas for the conference theme
- Arrangements for Insurance Cover to Internet access
- Total supervision and management of the conference - from start to end
- Catering arrangements
- Hotel accommodation (if necessary)
- Transport arrangements
- Recreational activities
- Liaising with other organisations
- AV arrangements

Given above are just a few of the responsibilities that a Conference Organiser will handle. These organisers are very competent on the job and have the expertise to look into every detail of the entire event. Once the initial negotiations and details have been discussed, most of these event organisers offer their fullest assurance to their clients for a successful event.

In this busy world, where most organisations don't employ specific staff for event management, these organisations are a great asset as they are able to simplify your life by managing any local, national or international event - from beginning to end.

In order to achieve a complete success of the event, the client will need to work closely with a Conference Organiser to furnish all the required details. They will need to work closely with the committee nominated to work for this conference. A good working relationship is vital for a successful conference.

Event organisers of today are more likely to promote eco-friendly methods, in-keeping with the present trend of the global environmental condition. They are more committed to improve their reputation and event sustainability towards "greener" events and meetings. Conference Organisers are made aware of the environmental impact that is associated with all events and conferences, and are more likely to promote less hazardous methods for conference organising.

In the long run, it will be a good and wise idea to have eco-friendly methods, as this will be a good opportunity to prove to your delegates your own concern towards the protection of the environment. It will bring in a good and lasting impression of your company in the business world.

BMX Bike Show Features For Corporate Entertainment

Those seeking corporate entertainment can now search a new venue by way of BMX bicycle stunt shows. Not a common portal for the corporate entertainment field, this newer facet is quite versatile allowing for the best shows to be performed during fairs, public events, private parties, fundraisers, conventions, and many other corporate functions. What sets BMX entertainment events apart from any other type of show is that there is an element of dare devilry, as these stunts can be quite amazing, and there is a new action put into the corporate world that is hard to pass up.

As potential prospects and clients see that you have a knack for flair and providing the best show, they will be very interested in getting you on their side. What is better than someone that can leave a life-long impression with a crowd of hundreds, maybe even thousands? If you can book the best show, give a special interest to BMX stunt show ideas that could create the best show of the century.

You will now have competition in getting the best as some of the largest corporations are seeking an event of the same stature, however, with the right team behind you, you can really shine. With these special BMX stunt shows, you will receive various features such as:

· Various ramp stunts

· Extreme sound system with up to 1,000 watts and two speakers

· Complete stunt show set-up and take-down

You also receive several other features with the show including t-shirts and posters that you can opt to sell during the stunt show, as well as a generator that runs quietly for energy needs you may have and wish to handle without issue.

These BMX stunt shows are comprised of a team of professionals that are highly experienced and know several tricks and stunts that are sure to knock the crowd out of the park. What more could you ask for when seeking corporate entertainment?

Negotiating Events Out Clauses

Time and again, I have witnessed numerous organizations lose substantial amounts of monies because they failed to pre- negotiate numerous clauses, that are often key to substantially protecting the organization's interests. Over my career in event planning, negotiations, and organizing, which now spans over more than thirty years, I have continuously tweaked and adapted my contract demands, in order to assure these protections. Those areas that have often caused the greatest agony for organizations are: limiting/ amending attrition clauses; addressing audio- visual expenses; protections regarding food and beverage areas; protections because of economic downturns, wars, or acts of God (weather, etc.); negotiating in modification and give- back dates; and, specific language regarding the ever- expanding tendency of many resorts to add on mandatory fees and service charges.

1. The strict attrition clauses of the past must never be permitted in a negotiated contract. The best way to address this is in advance, via a tersely and properly written and crystal clear Request For Proposal (R.F.P.). It is essential that group's negotiate out or down attrition (i.e. not meeting certain specific numbers) either outright, or by instituting a substantial compromise/ outright reduction, or by being given flexible give-back dates (where the group can return rooms and reduce other targets, without penalty).

2. Audio- visual costs are often the great eye- openers to non- professional event organizers. These costs often escalate dramatically, often to the disbelief of amateurs. Professional negotiator first reduce substantially the audio- visual fee schedule, negotiate certain comps and allowances, and get in writing, in detail, all specific costs in this area, written in plain English descriptives.

3. Organizations must put in a clause regarding economic downturns, and the possible implications. Good negotiators have clauses regarding stock markets substantial drops, energy/ transportation substantial increases, acts of God (weather, war, terrorism, etc). Again, these clauses must be specific, and permit substantial givebacks if these parameters occur.

4. Giveback clauses must be included. These clauses are capable of protecting both the vendor as well as the organization, because it permits givebacks (and thus eliminates penalties, etc.) at three specific times (I recommend at 90 days out, at 60 days out, and then the final revision permitted at 30 days out, by specific percentages).

5. Many hotels today, observing the airline model, have instituted certain resort fees and service charges, in an attempt to promote an attractive hotel room rate, while collecting additional revenues. This has varied substantially from property to property, and, it is not unusual for the room rate promoted and the amount paid per night (adding in taxes, fees and service charges) to differ by thirty percent, or even more. Negotiators should have any fees that will be charged spelled out in detail, and a clause stating that the only fees the group will pay are those stated. In addition, negotiators should look closely at what these fees are for, because often what is included are not things that a large percentage of the group will either utilize or find of value. One area today that many surveys indicate are most resented in terms of fees, are substantial charges for internet access. With many properties today including or, at least, substantially reducing the cost of internet access, attendees often feel ripped off by excessive fees in this area. When a hotel says their service charge includes domestic local and long distance service, most attendees today find that of little value because most calls are made by their own cell phones anyway, and they rarely use these phones. Hotels that promote their spas as a reason to come to that hotel should not be charging fees for basic services, such as locker room access, saunas and hot tubs, or exercise equipment. It is appropriate, however, for them to charge additional for more advanced services such as massages, salons, classes, etc. Again, negotiators must carefully negotiate appropriate language into the initial contract.

Beware that it always easier, less stressful, more efficient, and fairer to all, to pre- negotiate in all of the above areas, and more. Failure to do so often leads to negative financial ramifications.

5 Reasons to Hire an Event Planner for Your Next Event

"You can shave $5,000 off your 2009 budget AND hire Big Buzz as the coordinator," I explained to a prospective client in early 2010. It was the easiest project I have ever secured. There were no negotiations, no hesitations. We went straight to contract after a one-hour meeting.

It was a bold statement but one that I believed we could uphold. I was fairly certain that the company my client had previously worked with was less than reputable, and I was determined to prove that we could offer them a higher quality corporate picnic while saving a significant dollar amount. And we did: the 2010 project came in 25 percent under the cost of the 2009 event.

It is common for people to think that professional Event Planners are going to be expensive. But the reality is that planners know the tips, tricks and contacts that could save you time and money in the long run without sacrificing the quality of your event.

Here are five compelling reasons to hire an Event Planner:

•You Will Save Money - Event Planners build relationships with suppliers, and they receive discounted rates from vendors that a quality planner will pass on to the client. When you call the same supplier, you are likely to pay their standard rates, which can be higher by as much as 20 percent or more.

•You Will Save Time - Nobody has enough hours in the day anymore, so why spread yourself too thin doing something that someone else can do for you more efficiently and effectively? Planners thrive on this activity, and they can organize and execute your event in less time than you ever could, allowing you to focus on other responsibilities.

•Benefit from Their Knowledge/Experience - Over time, Event Planners gain extensive knowledge and wisdom regarding events and parties; they know the latest trends, newest venues, the hot colors, budget-saving secrets and details that you may not be aware of if you plan only one or two events annually.

•Capitalize on Their Contacts and Resources - A Planner's rolodex is a gold mine. From lighting to d矇cor to power and more, all the right contacts are at their fingertips. No more web-searching required when they can speed-dial the best canopy vendor to serve your location, or obtain a liquor application for a City park. Put their rolodex to work for you!

•Stress-Free Troubleshooting - Despite all the planning, preparation and management, almost every event inevitably encounters an unforeseen hiccup. You don't want guests aware of this snag and you certainly don't want to appear panicked....This is when you need a Planner at your side because they know who to call and how to remedy a situation quickly. Whether it's a missing limo or a fallen wedding gown hem, your Planner can secure the resources necessary to resolve an issue seamlessly and keep the event on track.

At the end of the day, the right planner will serve as an extension of you. They do all the "heavy-lifting" so that you can be a guest at your party or outing and provide you the opportunity to network effectively to make a favorable impression that will long be remembered by your guests.

Event Management Services - Vital Guidelines to Choose the Best One

The presence of event management companies delivers you genuine rights to shift all your apprehension and anxiety to whosoever accepts such important managerial chore. Nevertheless, is the company worth considering to take up your whole burden? There are rafts of companies in the industry. How will you select the company that will live up to your expectations? To evaluate different event management services, following are some guidelines you may comply with.

First of all, you need to classify your event. Different events have different requirements.

There are companies that concentrate on specific kinds of events like corporate events, weddings, award ceremonies, exhibitions and fairs, stage performances, etc. Therefore, classify your occasion and get in touch with a service provider that boasts proficiency in organizing such type of events. As mentioned earlier, each event has specific requirements and hiring specialized event management services is the need of the hour. When you have a specialist overseeing your particular needs, you can feel confident about the smooth progress of your impending occasion.

One vital issue the majority of individuals neglect is budget. In pursuit of the most excellent service, they time and again forget that the best service comes at a substantial price. Even so, it doesn't imply that your event must be compromised. There are event management companies that offer high quality services at affordable rates. Be rational while arriving at this decision. Although the company is looking after all the organizations, it is just one blunder and you will be the first one at whom your superiors and colleagues would point a finger.

After you have shortlisted the companies that conform to your stipulated budget, further narrow down the prospects on the basis of number of years in this business, magnitude and variety of events handled, quality of work offered (take the help of previous clients), atmosphere of the event conducted, problem-solving capability and ability to deal with minuscule details.

In addition to personal capabilities, select a management service that boasts the most excellent contacts in the city. Possessing direct contact signifies that no middle man is involved. It indirectly signifies that you will not be shelling out additional money for the flowers and decorations or amusements.

You might question how to discover a company that has all of the above qualities. Nevertheless, to your utter surprise, you will numerous event management services that meet this description.

Clearly define the precise outcome you seek. It is your responsibility to communicate your ideas and needs appropriately so that the event managers can replicate the same and organize it to their best of capacities. Keeping these guidelines in mind, employ the finest managers for your corporate events, weddings or fashion shows.

How to Hire a Corporate Event Planner

If you have been put in charge of the next big corporate event, you may have gone into panic mode. Any event can be a challenge to plan, but a corporate event often puts a lot more pressure on a person. You may feel overwhelmed just thinking about it. The thing you can do to avoid the problems of doing it yourself is to hire a corporate event planner. This will simplify your job and you can leave the tedious and difficult job of planning the event to the professionals. That's right, if you go with a planner who has plenty of experience, a good track record, and a large list of services for you to choose from, your event will be a smashing success.

Look for a company that has had years of experience. If they have planned hundreds of corporate events for companies of different sizes, you know that they will be able to handle your event. It is good to find out whether they have planned events similar to the type of event you desire to pull off. Whether it is a small meeting with only the heads of departments or the entire company and their family members, you want to be assured that the event planning company you are hiring has experience with the type of event you want to pull off.

Working with a corporate event planner will free you up from all of the small details. Rather than having to find a place to rent tables and tablecloths from, and another place to cater the food, and another place to come in and decorate, you will actually save money by hiring a corporate event planning company that has all of these resources at their fingertips. By hiring every aspect of your event through one company, you will usually get a package deal that beats out the individual prices you would pay to separate companies.

If you are looking for entertainment, using a corporate event planner is a good way to go because they usually have connections in the entertainment industry and can help you find exactly what you are looking for, and at a reasonable price. By using a corporate event planner that has years of experience planning a variety of corporate events, you can be assured that your event is more likely to be a success. It will be cost effective to go with a company that has all of the resources at their fingertips. Your event will be a success, and so will you.

Team Building Training for Optimal Business Growth

Corporate learning program is a key to successful business and development of an excellent team. If you want your organization to make it to the top, it is vital that you pay attention to team building and management training aspects as well. An efficient and motivated team can improve operational efficiency of an organization.

Importance of Team building:

Team building is important for any organization to motivate the employees and get the best out of them. Through such programs, a manager makes sure that his team works closely with each other, trust among the members of his/her team strengthens and energies are driven toward achieving a common goal. Team building develops the spirit of togetherness, co-operation and mutual understanding. It can also help in motivating the employees to give their best and take the company to the peak. Through such programs, a company can proactively increase job satisfaction among employees.

Many companies plan several corporate learning events to rejuvenate employee's minds and motivate them to take up new challenges. Companies plan a weekend getaway at some resort or a team dinner, to bring employees together and increase interactive within the team. Such outings are significant for new employees so that they get a chance to interact with their seniors and develop a strong rapport with them.

Team building programs-

Below are a few programs that can help employers to promote bonding between team members:

o Quiz Events: Many companies organize quiz programs for excellent team building. This includes various questions that help employees to know more about their co-workers. Sometimes, the employee is asked about the likes and hobbies of their colleague. This helps to develop a strong bond among the co-workers. Many-a-times, employees are divided into teams and certain questions are posed, this is also an excellent technique of team building.

o Performing a skit: Some companies organize plays and skit, wherein all the team members are encouraged to participate. The script is written in a way that the play highlights the strength and weaknesses of every employee working in the company. For such a stage drama, all employees will automatically work in team and plan and rehearse together. The motive of such a skit is to develop a sense of team work among the employees. These also help in improving communication among all the workers and strike a long lasting bond.

o Treasure Hunting: This team building game requires a lot of strength and team work. Besides, companies can also organize crossword puzzle contests. All the employees are divided into groups and asked to solve certain quiz or puzzle. This not only involves intense brainstorming but also team work. Such activity helps the employees to realize the importance of team work and strength of working together.

Unlike the traditional corporate training programs, team building events conducted in the form of fun games can prove to be more productive in boosting team dynamics. After all, team building programs are essential to boost overall productive of an organization. Therefore, utmost importance should be given in selecting the right kind of program.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Have You Considered Becoming a Virtual Event Specialist?

Why become a Virtual Event Planner?

The Internet has dramatically changed the way we do business today. Meetings that once had to be done in person, can now be easily done over the Internet. Today more and more businesses are turning to the convenience of the Web to conduct team meetings, sales presentations, conferences and trainings. The change to online events has created a new and vast opportunity for the enterprises virtual assistant who would like to specialize in planning events.

Are most businesses really utilizing online services for their business related events? Recent statistics from just over half of all event planners who coordinate offline, physical events show a recent drop in attendance and 76% of businesses report they have turned to Virtual Event planning for conferences and webinars. In fact, 70% of Corporate Event Organizers polled have predicted a significant decline in live events beginning in 2010 and this trend is only going to increase.

What does this mean to someone looking to work at home and build a successful Virtual Assistant business? It means an excellent niche market with much growth potential. Savvy virtual assistants know to look for target markets that have growth potential and a huge number of possible clients. A Virtual Event Planner is an excellent niche to consider.

How does one become a Virtual Event Planner?

Anyone with prior event planning experience will find this an easy niche to pursue. Experience with traditional live event planning is a great start but not completely necessary. If you are interested in the event planning niche but lack any formal experience...don't be discouraged. Online event planning is not difficult to master once you have a good understanding of computers, have mastered a few software programs and are willing to learn more about the technology that makes virtual event planning easy and fun.

What does a Virtual Event Planner do? They become experts in online events such as:

  • Tele-Events

  • Webinars

  • Online Presentations

  • Live Podcasts

  • Online Radio and WebTV

You can choose to become highly specialized in one of these or specialize in all of them and build your entire business focused on virtual events. Although many businesses are eager to take advantage of this new online event planning trend, the rapidly changing technology can be difficult for busy entrepreneurs, executives or small business owners to keep up with.

A skilled Virtual Event Planner can be a huge money and time saver for the wise business owner who recognizes the advantages to outsourcing this task. They realize their time is better spent finding clients, increasing sales and building business relationships rather than the time-consuming task of keeping up with constant technical changes and event coordination.

It can take much time and effort to obtain good results from virtual events and a huge number of businesses are desperate to find competent help in this new arena. Be one of the first to enter this new and exciting niche of virtual event planning and get a jump on your competition. If you would like to become an expert in Virtual Event planning, check out my favorite source of virtual assistant training courses.

What is Meant by Corporate Event Planning?

These events might take place in a quiet, plush dinner atmosphere, at a dinner theatre venue or even in a meeting or conference room in your building. The details can range from very elaborate to quite simple, depending on the purpose of the event, the type of business planning the event and the budget allowed for it. The guests can range from trainees to long time customers or clients.

Some corporate events might take the form of award banquets and ceremonies, others perhaps VIP customer events, while still others could be to bring motivational speakers. Corporate events don't have to be gala parties to qualify; they could be training events or meetings or conventions or even trade shows. Travel could be involved in the planning or participation as well.

The organizations that plan these corporate events will customize it for you. Some call them "Bespoke Corporate Events" to confer the made-to-order meaning to their customers. They will meet with you to ascertain the intended goals and then will work a plan to meet your needs. They will go over every minute detail to ensure that your corporate event will be a memorable one for all who attend. Some companies will allow you to peruse the activities and programs they offer; choose, cafeteria style, the things you like best from each and then they will meld them together in a workable format to use for your special event.

Corporate event planning is essential to those companies who are trying to utilize team building concepts to improve working relationships and environments to revitalize their business. Team building a concept that is not new in the business world but it is re-emerging in these days of sagging economy as a method of infusing new life into organizations and businesses that need it. Many companies are experiencing decreased business and are looking for ways to regenerate profits. Building better relationships and communication between employers and employees, between departments within the company and between companies and their customers through corporate event planning is being viewed as increasingly more acceptable in the business world.

Does your business need an infusion of new life?

Corporate Events - For the Benefit of Your Company

In this competitive world, employees need something more than just a holiday. Corporate events like holiday parties, picnics and activity days not only provide the employees and staff that much needed break but also help in bringing them closer. So, here we will be discussing some of the things that people running huge commercial businesses must know.

One way by which corporate functions strengthen the company is by providing rejuvenation to employees so that they become more productive at their workplace. These functions help in increasing the interaction levels among all employees.

During these events, employees get a chance to show their skills and talents. Most of these events consist of team building games and activities. These activities not only increase the bonding among employees but also sharpen their skills and abilities. They also help in motivating them to learn some new skills.

Planning part of the corporate events is difficult and stressful. It requires a lot of detailed thinking. Finding the right venue is not the only thing that is important. Right food, lodging facility, entertainment and transportation facilities are equally important. To lessen the stress, one can opt for professional help. These people have knowledge about all the things that are essential for organizing a corporate event. In fact, they not only help in providing the basic needs of an event but also help in making it a special one by adding extra effort.

In fact, many of these events involve the whole weekend where the employees participate in different activities like treasure hunts and mind games. These games do not just provide enjoyment but also teach the employees time management, delegation of responsibilities as well as organizational skills. For instance, some games and activities are especially designed to help the sales people in honing their selling skills.

One can organize such events at regular intervals. There are many companies which offer corporate packages for organizing such events. They provide everything including venue, food, transportation and lodging. Some of them also suggest the kind of activities you can have at these events and provide all the necessary things that are needed for them. They also offer discounts on these packages.

So, organize such an event and increase the motivation levels of your employees.

Event Management Companies: How Various Pricing Models Can Impact and Enhance Your Business

If you're considering entering the realm of marketing convention and industry events, you probably already recognize that partnering with event management companies is a must. Front-running event management companies will work with you throughout the entire convention process; from exhibit design concepts through function execution and beyond, event management companies deliver focused marketing campaigns that can help you break away from the competitive pack, broaden the reach of your company's brand identity and extend your current consumer demographic pool.

Reputable Event Management Companies Should Offer Customized Service Plans

While there's no question that event management companies deliver an extensive range of features and benefits, many entrepreneurs considering breaking into the convention arena may still feel reluctant to use them. What's one of the most common reasons for not partnering with a professional firm? Anticipated costs. All too often, business owners assume that pairing with event management companies will incur exorbitant expenses that will outweigh the benefits or stretch their existing budgets too thin. However, this simply is not the case. Finding professional and reputable event management companies to partner with can quickly prove that these industry leaders offer customized service plans to ensure every client's needs and budget requirements are considered and met.

Different Pricing Options To Consider For Your Business

If you're currently considering using event management companies to help expand your promotional reach and reinforce your existing brand image, read on. Understanding various, customizable pricing options that qualified providers offer can help ensure you partner with the right vendor and make an informed decision for your organization. Various pricing models should include:

Rental Options: Renting gear and equipment often costs a fraction of purchasing the stand and accessories outright and can prove an ideal solution for organizations that are making an initial foray into the convention arena or that only exhibit a few times a year. You'll enjoy an extensive list of customization options and features that will rival even the most elaborate booths without the commitment of having to purchase the exhibit outright.

Lease To Own: Want to get a better gauge on whether trade show exhibits make sense for your organization, but don't want to rent for individual events indefinitely? A lease to own program may provide the perfect strategy for your business. After multiple functions, a reputable partner will offer a negotiated purchase price to help ensure you optimize your business' overall savings.

Outright Purchase: Industry experts suggest that it is more cost effective for businesses participating in three or more conventions annually to purchase their exhibits. While purchased exhibits and displays will incur fees for shipping and freight, over time this expense is offset from not having to pay rental fees for every function.

Still not sure which pricing model will work best for you? That's okay - qualified firms will be able to guide you through this critical decision process. A veteran provider will help you work out your planned function schedule, strategize exhibit style and design needed, and create a pricing model specifically personalized for your organization's own distinctive needs.

Finding an Event Planning Agent for International Events

Staging an international event is not an easy job to fulfill. It covers lots of tasks to accomplish and challenges to overcome - from creative design and technical equipment to keynote speech as well as the logistic constraints. Therefore, if your company is planning to stage an international event, you and your team should underscore the importance of careful event planning. Your team might be good in executing local events but you have to realize that the level of challenge is higher when we talk of international events.

Finding an event planning agent...

Having an event planning agent(s) as part of your team can be a great help for the successful execution of your international event. Thus, it is necessary to carefully and intelligently choose the right agent that can be trusted to do some important tasks for your event. Because it is an international event - usually held overseas - there are certain qualifications you may need to include as you select an agent and these are the following:

  • Multi-lingual skills - this is a very important consideration when hiring an agent as part of your international event planning team. It is of great advantage that an agent you hire knows both the local language (where your event is to be held) and your language. It should be understood that language barrier, when not addressed properly, is one problem that can ruin an international event, which can occur even during the planning stage.

  • Has enough knowledge in local - an event planning agent greatly covers local-based tasks, which involve tasks like coordinating with local people (local culture), local staff, local participants, local logistics, event venue, media coordination, etc. The more your agent is familiar with the points stated above, the better.

  • Certifications/License - an event planning agent who has the necessary certification is usually more qualified that the one who does not have. A certification obtained from a reputable giving body or institution (like a federal entity) suggests that such person has passed the necessary requirements to do the practice. In addition to that, you must also know about agent's experience in this profession - is he/she doing it for more than a decade? Or is he just new to the business?

  • Freelance or company-employed event planning agent - you can opt-to hire a freelance agent or hire from an event planning company. What's the advantage of getting an agent from an event agency? First, there are lots of options to choose from; second, you are getting a company-scaled support rather than just a single individual.

Hiring an Event Manager

Regardless of what sort of event you are planning, it is great to plan everything well in advance with the details being clear and the arrangements being organized, that is of course if you are hoping that your event goes off without a hitch. Of course some events may be too big for one individual to effectively pull off and may require the services of an event management team to make it a success.

When seeking the services of someone to plan your event it is important that you choose wisely, whether the event is as simple as a birthday party or some corporate function that is required to promote business or outside relationships with other companies, the individual who will gain the fame is the one who will make the event a success. In most cases that individual will seek a professional who can make it happen.

Weddings are a perfect example for going in search for an event planner as this function must not be allowed to fail at any cost. There are too many things that can possibly go wrong when considering a wedding and no possibility to correct then after the event has been concluded. While many people prefer to plan their own weddings going through all the motions and hopefully avoiding all the possible pitfalls, the ones who end up with a smooth event are the ones who seek outside assistance.

An average birthday party may not require the services of an event manager because of its size on the other hand if you happen to be planning a birthday for someone like your boss or a celebrity and your invitation list resembles the who's who of society it may be a wise idea to look for a reputable event manager to ensure that it is successful, especially if your name is attached to it.

The planning of a business or corporate event is as important an event as they come as this is where a company must shine and put forth to others the example that they are professionals and know what they are doing. An event management team will ensure that your guests are treated to an environment that reflects the fact that you and your company are capable in everything that you touch.

Handling your event by yourself is never a wise thing if you are depending on its success to pull something else off. Don't take the chance of looking bad through a poorly planned event that could cause you to lose face, hire an event manager and ensure that you will shine all the way through.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Temporary Shelters for Events

Whether for a wedding or for a corporate event, temporary shelters are highly useful and something that anyone should look into. There are many things that make portable shelters particularly useful and practical, and in many ways they offer benefits that you can't get from a brick and mortar property. Here we will look at just why temporary shelters are so useful and how to get the most of them.

First of all, if you are looking to host an event somewhere that doesn't cater for guests - such as in a field or another open outdoor area, then you wouldn't normally be able to host an event here because you'd have no way to keep things organized and to protect the event from weather.

However by using portable shelters it's possible to erect a shelter wherever you want it and that then means that there is no longer any limit on where you can host an event.

This is one reason that wedding tents are so popular - because they allow you to turn any area that you have a connection to or that you find romantic into somewhere that you can decorate and host a party.

At the same time by using temporary shelters you can also transform a garden or another area into a venue, and for those with large gardens having portable shelters is an ideal way to be able to host events to a better degree etc.

There is more still that you can get from temporary shelters though. In particular these give you the ability to benefit from all the advantages of an event held outdoors and all the benefits that you would get from hosting an event indoors. In other words you get to feel a cool breeze and you get to spill out into the sun and take pictures, but at the same time there is no worry that a sudden downpour will turn your wedding cake into wedding paste. At the same time you don't need to worry about your presents blowing away, and you don't need to worry about wasps and other problems. Using wedding tents then is an ideal way to host the ideal wedding, and similarly you will also find that it is perfect for corporate and other events too.

Best of all, because the portable shelter is your own, and you are not renting out a venue, this then means that you can host a wedding in wedding tents for a lot less than you would pay to hire a venue. All you need is to find a patch of land and to buy or rent your shelter and you have created a perfect bespoke place to hold your event. And because the tent is yours in cases where you bought it, this also then means that you are able to do whatever you please to decorate it exactly as you would have wished meaning your event will probably actually look more beautiful and closer to how you imagine it as a result.

Top Christmas Fundraising Ideas

Christmas is the festive period to celebrate, relax, travel, and spend time with your friends and family. It is also the perfect time to organize events and fundraisers to support a cause. Many organizations, especially the nonprofits, start the process of fundraising to collect money for the welfare of the poor, the sick, the elderly, physically challenged, and those who are unable to work.

Here's sharing with you some top Christmas fundraising ideas to arrange a highly successful event.

Home-made Christmas Cards

Make some really beautiful Christmas cards at home. You can make each card unique using different colors and designs. Write something really special inside the cards for people of all ages. You can open a stall in your neighborhood or near to your school to sell these cards. Just wait and see how rapidly you sell your home-made Christmas cards!

Perfumed Candles

Selling various kinds of perfumed candles can be a great way of raising money during Christmas, as they are needed by people to decorate and lighten the homes and churches.

Christmas Clean Up Services

Most people hate to clean up their homes themselves. You can offer your neighbors some help by clearing all their mess.

Christmas Treats

You can make some cookies, cakes, and gingerbread for sale. People always love to buy cookies and such other food items, specifically during the festive season. Hence, selling some delicious, freshly baked cakes and breads will always be welcomed by children as well as by adults.

While you plan the fundraiser, make sure your volunteers work hard to promote the event in your area. They should take the initiative to visit every home in the locality and drop a leaflet regarding the event. They can also knock on doors to inform people about your fundraising party to increase attendance. Let all people know you have organized the fundraising for a good cause.

Many online event management companies are offering marketing tools for better communication purpose. These marketing tools include emails and notifications software, promotional code engine, social media connector, and mobile phone applications to get connected with your acquaintances.

Sending Christmas fundraiser emails and reminders to all your acquaintances can be another great, yet cost-effective way of conveying your plan of organizing the event.

Promotional code engine will help non-profits market their cause to maximum people. You can even create a fundraiser profile page on Facebook or Twitter and upload all your event-related details and updates on the page. It will bring in more visitors to your page by raising interest toward your event and thus, will help to collect increasing funds!

The Difficulties of Organising a Team Building Away Day

Sometimes people volunteer to organise a team building activity day and sometimes the task is delegated to them. Increasingly larger team building events are organised by a committee. Very often this is an opportunity for people to stand out to their managers, to show that they can run a successful project which may help their career progression.

The first challenge is to choose a suitable location and the theme of the day. At this stage most people turn to the internet for research. The venue will need to be in a convenient location and have the right facilities for the day. If outdoor activities are planned then it will need to have adequate and suitable outdoor space. Most venues do not have land for motorised activities and other activities, such as clay pigeon shooting, require a special licence.

The theme of the day is the next decision. A huge variety are available from team challenges through to participation activities. You have to please as many people as possible with the chosen theme and some take a consultative approach, asking the participants for their input or sending out a survey. This can create as many problems as it solves and the experienced organiser will accept that you just cannot please all of the people all of the time. There are events that have generally broad appeal and a good event management company will be able to offer tailored advice based on their experience.

Diary management is one of the main challenges of organising an event. How do you choose a day when all of the people who need to be there can be there, taking into account work commitments and holidays? In recent years there has been a move towards holding events at very short notice, often with just a couple of weeks' notice. This is the 'window of opportunity' approach to organising an event. Sometimes a convenient day appears on the horizon and a team will just grab it. Event companies have adapted well to this short lead time business model for smaller events.

For larger events one significant challenge is having an entire team out of a business for a day. Some businesses or teams can, literally, close down for the day but others find this difficult. Call centres are one very good example of this issue. Motivation is a key issue for managers of call centre teams and a team building away day is a very effective solution. Many get around this by having two days and taking half of the team out on each day. It is not a perfect solution, but it is the best solution in most cases.

These are just some of the issues that need to be considered before an organiser starts the process of arranging a team building activity day. They key is to choose a good event management company to work with. They will also be able to arrange the venue for you based on their experience of its quality and suitability.

Working with a good team building supplier will take a great deal of the stress out of organising an event, but leave the corporate organiser to take the credit and qudos from their peers and managers. That can be very good for a career.

Great New York Venues For Fundraisers

If you're planning a fundraiser in New York, looking for the perfect venue can be more work than planning the party itself. Raising money is of course no easy task but it certainly helps to have the perfect location and atmosphere to have people breaking out their checkbooks while not breaking the bank. Fortunately New York has some incredible venues that offer just the ambiance you're looking for regardless of the cause. The following should give some insight into the type of event you can hope to hold and make all your financing dreams come true.

OpenHouse prides itself on being what they describe as "an experimental marketing location." The great thing about this retail space turned private event rental is its ability to showcase products. The open space can be utilized for clothing racks, sculpture or novelties like makeovers etc. A great idea for any fundraiser is to showcase art on the walls. This will encourage the artist's friends and relatives to attend and sell additional tickets. The space is 4,500 square feet and has a 300 person capacity. It's equipped with 5 skylights and a staging area. This is an absolutely perfect place to hold a product launch, arts fundraiser and the like.

The Frying Pan is a wonderful and scenic location for a fundraiser. This historic boat is forever docked in Chelsea and hosts all kinds of public and private events. This is a wonderfully unique experience and a large venue complete with a full service bar, DJ booth and kitchen. If you're searching for a rustic maritime theme, you certainly can't beat this.

If a rooftop were more the ambiance you're looking for then Midtown Loft and Terrace would be a dream. This place hosts everything from weddings to fundraisers and fashion shows. Its gorgeous cityscape backdrop will make for some excellent event photos. It's also in a fantastic and convenient location in the heart of the city.

The Guggenheim is not only one of the best museums in the city but a wonderful place to hold a private event. It's futuristic scenery and space age looking mod d矇cor certainly gives a fundraiser a unique and powerful edge. The Wright, which is the restaurant/event space just recently won the coveted James Beard award. The space is 1600 square feet and its architecture is certainly an art piece in itself.

If your event includes a film screening or performance you may want to consider The Helen Mills Event Space and Theatre. They offer all inclusive event packages and a 140 seat theatre onsite (which is rented separately). The sprawling bar and convenient location definitely will create the perfect atmosphere for a gorgeous New York City party.

It's certainly not an easy feat to plan and organize a fundraiser that will not only meet your goals financially but your standards in terms of venue and service. New York has some incredible options to accommodate all your needs and impress your guests. Regardless of the fundraiser it's important to choose your space wisely and make sure all of your contributors consider their donations well spent!

Event Planning Guide: What Equipment Do You Need for A Successful Event?

A useful event planning guide needs a large section on what exact equipment you will need. Have you ever been an event planner at an event and had the spine chilling moment when you realised that a vital bit of equipment had totally been forgotten about? Yep me to. That is one of the reasons I put this article together. The amount of technical equipment you will need will depend on what kind and size of event you are organising. A good Event Production Company will be able to advise you. A good place to start is to think about what media you want to use to get across your messages? Meanwhile, here are a few things to get you started.

Ask yourself and your speakers/presenters:

  • What visual mediums will be used in presentations? PowerPoint slides, video, DVD?

  • What type of screen is needed, a simple screen, projector and lap top, or a more complex stage set with lighting and graphics? All of these may depend on the size of your audience generally the larger the audience the more equipment you will need.

  • Plus, do you want, front, back or fly projection?

  • Will you need a Public Performance License? i.e. for Videos or DVD's or music you plan to play?

Now for some practical stuff..

  • What size PA System and how many microphones do you need?

  • What type of microphones do you need: Lapel, Hand Held or Lectern?

It's handy to have backups too. I was at an event recently where there was a shortage of roving mikes available for a question and answer session. The audience was about 300. The client gave the organiser a significant grilling after the event. Remember that errors like this can often lose you and your company a significant contract. That is why planning ahead is so vital to run a successful event. Something that is necessary is a supply of mike runners, or mike stands. With many companies recording events to leverage afterwards having all questions on tape is vital. A few agile mike runners will ensure that everyone has a mike at the correct time.

How will the organising team communicate, can you use Walkie Talkies?

How many technicians will you need and can the Event Production Company provide the right amount of people resource as and when you need it?

Finally a really good event production company can tell your more about systems such as:

  1. Electronic badges,

  2. Data readers to collect bar code information,

  3. Credit card payments for offers made at events

All are increasingly being used at larger events. When you know exactly what it is used need, create your own mini event planning guide that is bespoke to your event. Sometimes the simplest
ideas are the best. Mine becomes my 'event bible'!

Planning a Corporate Party? How to Host a Successful Corporate Cocktail Party

Have you been put in charge of the office cocktail party and want it go off with a bang? Read these useful and perhaps not-so-obvious tips on planning and giving the perfect corporate party.


Spend a little time and thought when picking the right date for your corporate party. Choose a date that works for your business and staff to ensure maximum turnout. A mid-week date is usually a good choice as people have personal plans and commitments on Fridays and Saturdays. And try to avoid busy times for certain office departments. For example, avoid the quarterly or year-end rush for the finance department or clashing with the annual marketing roadshow.


Send out invitations about 10-14 days in advance and make sure you put RSVP on the invitation and whether or not the employees are allowed to invite their partners. Chase up the RSVPs three days before the party date so you can finalize the numbers.


Remember to notify your building management in writing that you are holding an office party.


Corporate cocktail parties are typically held in the early evening and should not run too long. 6:00pm-8:30pm is a good time. By setting an end time, you can clear the venue out in prompt fashion and by keeping it short, you can ensure a better turnout. if you are going to have speeches, don't forget to make room for them in the schedule.


If you pick a theme for your corporate party (and they tend to be more fun), try to carry it through to every aspect: from drinks, food, waiters' attire, background music, invitations and decorations.

Theme ideas:
1. Hollywood
2. Decades (the 20s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s)
3. Famous couples
4. Color e.g. gold and black
5. Hawaiian Luaus
6. Country and Western
7. Kids (if you're giving a party for adults)
8. Shipwrecked / Pirates of the Caribbean
9. Wine tasting
10. Casino
11. Grease/Happy Days
12. Superheroes
13. Nuns and Vicars
14. Gangsters and Villains
15. Caveman
16. Greeks and Romans
17. Elvis
18. Countries and Cultures
19. Sports
20. Aliens
21. Superheroes and arch-villains


Apart from the food and beverage staff, consider asking some staff to be greeters at the door. Not only can they take business cards and offer a cloakroom service, but it creates a friendly welcome from the start. Perhaps there is an opening activity to get people in the mood e.g. a cut-out photo opportunity (you know, the ones when you put your head in the space and end up with the body of a monster), or a giant autograph board. Or perhaps this is the moment that the Lucky Draw tickets are given out.


Do not feel obliged to hire end-to-end party entertainers, play games or have speeches throughout the evening. There is nothing wrong with allowing your staff to talk casually and get to know each other in a relaxed social setting.


If you do have speeches, make sure to keep them short and if several people will be speaking you might want to break them out into two (or more) sessions.

Follow these tips and your office party should be a huge success!

Monday, June 3, 2013

How to Choose the Perfect Corporate Sports Hospitality Package

If you want to treat your clients to something special, then you'll want to do it in style. Why not think about corporate sports hospitality?

Here's what you need to know in order to make sure that you pick the right corporate sports hospitality package.

1. Knowing your clients interests is important. If you know they're all football fans, then why not hire a box at a Premiership match, and watch some of the best players in the world work their magic whilst you work yours? What about a golf tournament, or horse racing hospitality?

2. Once you've chosen a sport, you'll need to choose where your corporate event will be held. If it's a Premiership football match, it will have to be a certain ground, whereas you might want to watch the next major golf tournament that takes place near you. Perhaps you'll choose a central location so that your guests don't have too far to travel.

3. Depending on the sporting event, you might have choice of dates. Horseracing events take place regularly, whereas the Cup Final only happens once a year. You might need to be flexible on dates if you want a specific venue, and you might need to be flexible on venues if you want a particular date.

4. Once you know the date and the sporting event, you'll need to get invitations sent out. Don't just email people, or expect them to just know about it, make an effort.

5. It's important that your guests are aware of the dress code for the day. The corporate sporting venue might have a dress code, or you might want everyone to dress causally to encourage people to enjoy themselves more

6. You'll need to make sure that meals are included in the corporate sporting hospitality package you choose, so that special dietary requirements can be met.

7. It might be that you want to provide additional entertainment after the main event. Perhaps you'll go somewhere else, or maybe you'll have another meal at the venue.

8. You don't want your guests to pay for anything on the day, so make sure that the little things like refreshments are all included and taken care of.

9. Your guest need to be comfortable at all times, so you'll need to make sure that they can mingle, and that you introduce them to people. They might be able to do business with each other, as well as you.

10. Above all, you'll want value for money. There's no point in organising a corporate sports hospitality package without giving it enough thought. The cheapest package might not be suitable, and so you might be thought of as a bit mean by your guests. If you go overboard and are tool lavish, then it looks like you're charging too much.

Now you know what to look for, you'll be able to choose the perfect corporate sports hospitality package.